TheraQi TCM Praxis
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Trusted TCM Praxis in Zürich · Seuzach

Located in Zürich and Seuzach, TheraQi provides comprehensive care and custom tailored treatment plans for each patient. Our highly knowledgeable and capable practitioner is well-versed in selecting and integrating just the right combination of treatment options from a wide array of safe and effective healing modalities of TCM.

Meet Bokdeok Serato

  • Dipl. Akupunkteurin
  • Dipl. Herbalistin
  • Dipl. Tui-na Massage
Bokdeok Serato

I believe we are all energy beings born with an inherent ability to self-heal. My mission is to help patients reach their full potential for health and, ultimately, overall happiness and equilibrium in life by restoring each individual's unique balance of "qi" through a careful selection of natural and minimally invasive TCM treatment methods. I specialize in Gynecology, Fertility Promotion and Sports Medicine and am fluent in German, English and Korean.

What is Qi ?

Qi is information energy

What is qi?

From the perspective of TCM, qi (commonly translated as "life energy") is a moving energy that carries vital and specific bio-information. It flows through and interconnects all existence, phasing through solid matter as well as emanating into empty space, similar to the way radio frequency or magnetic force works. Qi vitalizes not only us humans, but all beings. Within our body, qi flows through special body channels called meridians (mai, nadi).

TCM in a Nutshell

Yin and yang balance promotes healthy qi

Founded on the ancient philosophy of Taoism, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has evolved over thousands of years. The holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment in TCM has been shaped by the Taoist belief that all things are interdependent and mutually interactive in the universe. Taoists view the universe as a holistic entity and each person as being part of the holistic entity. Therefore, symptoms of illness, both physical and mental, are analyzed and interpreted with reference to the whole in TCM.

According to TCM, the human body is consisted of various interrelated yin and yang systems, and achieving yin and yang balance is essential to generating, sustaining and restoring healthy qi. Simply put, when these different yin and yang systems are in harmony, the body is healthy, but when there is disharmony, illness arises.


Our main services and more

Herbal Therapy
TCM herbal therapy

Along its 2,000-year history, TCM has identified the essential properties of thousands of herbs. A customized herbal formula by a qualified herbalist can provide an effective and concise correction of most acute and chronic health disorders.


Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate points on or under the skin called "acupuncture" or "acupressure points" to treat various dysfunctions, such as chronic pain, poor sleep and menopausal symptoms.

Tui-na Massage
tui-na massage

Tui-na (which means “pushing and grasping") applies manual stimulation to the acupuncture points to adjust the body's bio-information, and reconciles the disharmony of both inner and outer body surfaces.

Ear Acupuncture
ear acupuncture

As each point on the ear corresponds to a specific part of the body, the ear functions as a microcosmic mirror for the entire body and, therefore, can be used to treat conditions that are present anywhere in the body.

Pulse Diagnosis
pulse diagnosis

Pulse diagnosis is a remarkably sophisticated tool, which assesses up to 28 different qualities of the pulse. Each of these qualities indicates the health of all the major organ systems of the body.

And more...
tcm cupping

More TCM healing services are available at TheraQi, including cupping, gua sha, and moxibustion. For further information about our services or to schedule a consultation, please contact us!

Contact Us | Office Hours


+41 (0)78 880 3081

Please call or send us an SMS if you wish to visit us.

We will call back to schedule an appointment.


  • Leonhardstr. 12
  • 8001 Zürich
  • Office Hours
  • Tuesdsay: 09:30 - 19:00
  • Thursday: 09:30 - 19:00
  • Friday: 13:00 - 17:00


  • Birchstrasse 2
  • 8472 Seuzach
  • Office Hours
  • Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
  • Saturday: By appointment

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